_des_ctx | Encryption/Decryption context of DES |
_listnode< T > | |
_PtrHolder< Y > | Private, for internal use |
_SharedLockTestThread | |
_SmTest2 | |
_SPair | |
_TestMtxThread | |
_TestThread | |
_tripledes_ctx | |
_VariantData< T > | |
_WinPerms | For internal use |
allocblock | |
Array< T > | Fixed length array with DEBUG build bounds checking |
AssertionFailedException | |
Association< KT, VT > | A key value pair |
BigInteger | Ported from http://www.bouncycastle.org/csharp/index.html |
BitColumn | |
BitMask | |
BlockingStream | BlockingStream uses a mutex and an event to enforce blocking I/O |
branch_chain | |
Char | Char helper class |
CharColumn | |
chars255 | |
CircularArray< T > | An array that wraps back to the first element when elements are written past the end |
CircularArrayException | |
Command | Abstract base class for database commands. MySqlCommand SqlLiteCommand |
CommandLine | Command parses command line arguments in a variety of formats. Command format is either: |
CommandParameter | |
Compare | Compare's job is to allow template classes to perform search, sorting, and balancing without understanding the types involved |
compile_data | |
ConfigurationException | |
ConfigurationSection | |
ConfigurationSettings | Reads INI or XML "app.config" style configuration files |
Connection | Abstract base class for database connections. MySqlConnection SqlLiteConnection |
Convert | Helper for Variant and templates to perform automatic type conversion |
DataColumn | |
DataRow | A row in a DataTable. DataTable |
DataTable | A table of variant data |
Date | A date with no time. Most operations involve a single long value, so performance is generally good |
DateColumn | |
DateTime | |
DateTimeColumn | |
DbSqlType | |
Debug | |
Decimal | Fixed point decimal helper |
DecimalColumn | |
Delegate< T > | C# style delegate with no arguments for call backs by DelegateDispatch. Use in place of implemting call back interfaces to symplify code. DelegateDispatch |
DelegateDispatch | Dispatcher for C# style delegates with no arguments. Use in place of implemting call back interfaces to symplify code. Delegate |
DelegateDispatchOneParameter< ARG1 > | Dispatcher for C# style delegates with one argument. Use in place of implemting call back interfaces to symplify code. DelegateOneParameter |
DelegateDispatchThreeParameter< ARG1, ARG2, ARG3 > | Dispatcher for C# style delegates with three arguments. Use in place of implemting call back interfaces to symplify code. DelegateThreeParameter |
DelegateDispatchTwoParameter< ARG1, ARG2 > | Dispatcher for C# style delegates with two arguments. Use in place of implemting call back interfaces to symplify code. DelegateTwoParameter |
DelegateOneParameter< T, ARG > | C# style delegate with one argument for call backs by DelegateDispatch. Use in place of implemting call back interfaces to symplify code. DelegateDispatch |
DelegateThreeParameter< T, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3 > | C# style delegate with three arguments for call backs by DelegateDispatch. Use in place of implemting call back interfaces to symplify code. DelegateDispatch |
DelegateTwoParameter< T, ARG1, ARG2 > | C# style delegate with two arguments for call backs by DelegateDispatch. Use in place of implemting call back interfaces to symplify code. DelegateDispatch |
DelimitedFile | Loads delimited file into memory. DataTable |
DelimitedFileRowParser | |
DES | Based on code written by Michael Roth <mroth@nessie.de>, September 1998. See code file for orginal comments |
DesStream | Applies DES on data written and read |
dfa_match_data | |
Directory | File system directory operations |
Double | Double helper type |
DualChannelStream | Uses two different streams for input and output |
Entity | |
Environment | Static class to get inforamtion about the local machine and environment variables |
eptrblock | |
Event | Implements wait/notify (uses Event on windoze and a condition on posix |
Exception | Generic exception, all exceptions should sub class this |
FastMath | Static class for math function with increased speed, but reduced accuracy |
FdStreamState_Closed | |
FdStreamState_Open | |
File | Static file operations |
FileNotFoundException | |
FileStreamState_Closed | |
FileStreamState_Open | |
Float32Column | |
Float64Column | |
Guid | A Globally Unique Identifier. This does not use microsoft's algorithm, but is similiar to type 4 UUID. However, it does not have a '4' in the required position |
Hashtable< K, T > | A key value map |
HttpHeader | |
HttpRequest | |
HttpRequestBodyFormData | |
HttpRequestBodyGeneric | |
HttpResponse | |
HttpUtility | |
IColumn | |
IComparable | Lets Hashtable (through Math) use pointer keys. Implementors of IComparable assume that the argument is of their type. I.e., arbitrary types cannot be passed to Equals and Compare |
IConvertable | Implement this interface to make your class compatable with Convert. Convert |
IDelegate | |
IDelegateOneParameter< ARG > | |
IDelegateThreeParameter< ARG1, ARG2, ARG3 > | |
IDelegateTwoParameter< ARG1, ARG2 > | |
IEnumerable< T > | Inteface for collections that can be iterated. IIterator |
IErrorListener | |
IHashable | Lets Math return hash codes in an implementation independant way (mostly for Hashtable keys) |
IHttpRequestBody | |
IIterator< T > | Each collection type defines a specialized iterator for its contents |
IJsObject | |
Image | Simplistic image data, currently only works with BMP |
IMemoryValidate | Allows instances in collections be to automatically validated |
IndexOutOfBoundsException | |
Instruction | |
Int16Column | |
Int32 | 32-bit integer helper |
Int32Column | |
Int64 | 64-bit integer helper |
Int64Column | |
Int8Column | |
InterlockCounter | An integer counter whose value is modified in an atomic fashion |
InvalidArgumentException | |
InvalidTypeConversionException | |
IOException | |
IPacketListener | |
IPoolable | Interface to make classes poolable |
IPoolableFactory | Factory interface for ObjectPool to create and delete pooled objects |
IPortListenerListener | Callback interface for socket accept events |
ISerializable | Interface to allow your class to be sent and received through a stream |
IServerConnectionFactory | |
ISocketService | Base class for SocketSet and PooledSocketSet |
IStateEventListener | State event callback inteface |
spl::IStream | Stream interface |
IStreamReadListener | |
IStreamState | State pattern for streams (internal) |
RedBlackTree< K, V >::Iterator | Iterate the tree values |
Array< T >::Iterator | |
Hashtable< K, T >::Iterator | |
List< T >::Iterator | Iterate the nodes of the list |
XmlNode::Iterator | |
Vector< T >::Iterator | |
IVariant | The purpose of this class is to allow JsObject to be a variant type, and to allow Variant to be the JsObject's property type |
IVariantData | |
JsArray | |
JsLex | |
JsMethod | |
JsObject | |
JsParse | |
LazyLoadPtr< T > | |
List< T > | A doublely linked list |
Log | Syslog format logging class. Default output is to stdout |
Log::LogEntry | |
Log::LogServerInfo | |
match_data | |
Math | Static class for math functions. Besides cross platform issues, this also address version issues in MSVC |
Matrix3< T, FLOATTYPE > | 3X3 matrix; loops are unrolled for performance |
Matrix4< T, FLOATTYPE > | 4X4 matrix; loops are unrolled for performance |
memcheckpoint | |
MemoryBlock | Memory Chunk Struct |
MemoryPool | An application heap |
MemoryStream | A stream for operating on memory buffers |
Mutex | Mutually exclusive locking mechnism |
MySqlCommand | An SQL command or statement. Command SqlLiteCommand CommandParameter RecordSet |
Network | Backpropagation neural network with optional momentum and adaptive learn rate |
NeuralNetworkException | |
NotImplementedException | |
Null | This class is for a Variant type. Variant |
NullStream | A stream that drops its input and reads 0 bytes |
Numeric | Base class for all numeric type classes |
ObjectPool | Manages a pool of IPooable objects |
open_capitem | |
OutOfMemoryException | |
Log::OutputConfig | |
Packet | Endian aware network packet interface |
PacketBuilder | Allows automatic construction of packets from a stream |
PacketListenerDelegateDispatch | |
PacketNotReadyException | |
PacketReadTypeMismatchException | |
PacketUnderflowException | |
ParameterDirection | |
pcre_callout_block | |
pcre_extra | |
pcre_study_data | |
Permissions | |
Point3< T, FLOATTYPE > | Point in R3 |
Point4< T, FLOATTYPE > | Point in R4 |
PooledSocketServer | Listens on a port and adds incomming connections to a PooledSocketSet |
PooledSocketSet | Creates 64 SocketSets, each with its own thread -- performance should be close to windows IO completion ports |
PortListener | Creates a thread and listens for connections on a port |
PortListenerDelegateDispatch | Delegate dispatcher for socket accept events |
Program | |
ProtocolException | |
Queue< T > | |
Random | This algorithm was snagged off usenet in the 80's |
RBNode< K, V > | |
real_pcre | |
RecordSet | In memory reocrd set with typed columns (no variants). DataTable Command |
recursion_info | |
RedBlackTree< K, V > | A balanced binary tree where the longest path from the root to any leaf is no more than twice as long as the shortest path from the root to any other leaf in that tree |
RedBlackTreeIterator< K, V > | Iterate the tree |
RefCountPtr< T > | |
RefCountPtrCast< BASE, CAST, CASTPTR > | |
ReflectorStListener | |
ReflectorStServer | |
Regex | Regular expression using PCRE. Expressions are compiled when the class is constructed |
regex_t | |
RegexOptions | Options that can OR'ed together in the Regex constructor. Regex |
regmatch_t | |
RSA | RSA public and private cypher |
RSAKey | RSA public key |
RSAPrivateKey | RSA private key |
RSAPublic | RSA public cypher |
RWLock | A multiple reader single writer lock. Readers cannot upgrade their lock to writer. LockRead/UnlockRead and LockWrite/UnlockWrite must alway be called in pairs and cannot be interleved |
Sample | Statistical data sample. SampleTest |
SampleTest | A statical two sample test. Sample |
SecurityException | |
Semaphore | A counting semaphore -- a synchronization primitive that allows multiple processes to coordinate access to a shared resource. A Semaphore has an initial value, which represents the quantity of some shared resource. When a process acquires the semaphore, this value is decremented, and when it releases the semaphore, the value is incremented |
SemaphoreTester | |
ServerSocket | Specialized socket for accepting connections. Socket TcpSocket |
Socket | Base socket type, you probably want to use TcpSocket or ServerSocket instead. TcpSocket ServerSocket |
SocketException | |
SocketListenerPair | Used by SocketSet to track socket listners (internal) |
SocketSet | A threaded select() IO dispatcher |
SocketSetServer | Accepts connections at a port and automatically adds them to the SocketSet |
SocketStream | Stream for a socket, returned from TcpSocket::GetStream(). TcpSocket |
SqlException | |
SqlLiteCommand | A parameterized sqlite query |
SqlLiteConnection | Connection for Sqlite file |
SqlLiteTransaction | |
StackFrame | |
State | State is state |
stateblock | |
StateException | |
StateMachine | You should consider using SMC instead (http://smc.sourceforge.net/) |
StreamDelegateDispatch | Stream event delegate dispatcher. DelegateDispatch |
String | Your friend, the string |
StringBuffer | Dynamically resizing string |
StringStream | A MemoryStream that initializes from a string. String |
StringTable | |
StringTokenizer | Port of GNU Classpath StringTokenizer |
SyntaxException | |
TcpSocket | Ordinary connection oriented socket |
TestHarness | |
TestPoolFactory | |
TestPoolObj | |
TextReader | |
TextWriter | Writes text to a stream, eg numerics are converted to strings for writing |
Thread | Execution thread. To start a thread, inherit this class or use on of the delegates. ThreadStartDelegate ThreadStartFunction |
ThreadedPacketStream | ThreadedPacketStream creates a thread to read from a stream and pumps the bytes to a PacketBuilder. PacketBuilder StreamReadPump |
ThreadSafeStream | Serializes access to a stream |
ThreadStartDelegate< T > | An adapter object that implements the Runnable interface and delegates to an arbitrary method (one that must have no arguments or return value) in some other object. This allows a class to have multiple methods that will execute asynchronously in their own threads. For example, consider the class: |
ThreadStartException | |
ThreadStartFunction | Start a thread on function |
TimeStampColumn | |
TiXmlCursor | |
Transaction | Abstract base class for transactions |
Transition | A transition between two states on an input |
TransitionActionResolver | Allows action function names to be put in a file and resolved at runtime |
TriState | |
ucd_record | |
ucp_type_table | |
UdpServer | Listens at a port for UDP packets and dispatches them to a delegate. DelegateThreeParameter UdpSocket |
UdpSocket | Packet oriented socket |
UInt32 | Unsigned 32-bit integer helper |
UInt64 | Unsigned 64-bit integer helper |
Undefined | For an unset Variant Variant |
Uri | |
VarCharColumn | |
Variant | A variant type mostly for use in interpreters for variant languages |
VarInterp | |
Vector< T > | A dynamically sized vector template |
Vector3< T, FLOATTYPE > | Math vector in R3 |
Vector4< T, FLOATTYPE > | Math vector in R4 |
verbitem | |
WeakReference< BASE, BASEPTR > | Use weak references in place of RefCountPtr's to break circular pointer dependancies |
WrapType< T > | |
XmlAttribute | XML attribute key/value |
XmlAttributeCollection | XML tag attribute collection |
XmlComment | XML comment |
XmlDeclaration | Declaration section |
XmlDocument | |
XmlElement | Interior node |
XmlException | |
XmlNamedNodeMap | Key value node map |
XmlNode | Base XML node type |
XmlNodeList | List of nodes |
XmlParsingData | |
XmlText | Text xml data node |
XmlUnknown | |
XPath | Simple XPATH node selection. XmlNode Implemented symbols are /, //, @, [], <, <=, >,>=, =, !=. Examples that should work: |
XPathLex | |
XPathOpAttrib | Selects the root node |
XPathOpChildern | Selects the root node |
XPathOpChildTree | Selects the root node |
XPathOperator | |
XPathOpError | Selects the root node |
XPathOpNamedNode | Selects the root node |
XPathOpPredicate | Selects the root node |
XPathOpRoot | Selects the root node |
XPathParser | |