DelegateTwoParameter< T, ARG1, ARG2 > Class Template Reference

C# style delegate with two arguments for call backs by DelegateDispatch. Use in place of implemting call back interfaces to symplify code. DelegateDispatch. More...

#include <Delegate.h>

Inheritance diagram for DelegateTwoParameter< T, ARG1, ARG2 >:
IDelegateTwoParameter< ARG1, ARG2 >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DelegateTwoParameter (T *object, void(T::*func)(ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2))
void Call (ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2)

Static Public Member Functions

static RefCountPtr
< IDelegateTwoParameter< ARG1,
ARG2 > > 
Create (T *object, void(T::*func)(ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2))

Detailed Description

template<class T, typename ARG1, typename ARG2>
class DelegateTwoParameter< T, ARG1, ARG2 >

C# style delegate with two arguments for call backs by DelegateDispatch. Use in place of implemting call back interfaces to symplify code. DelegateDispatch.

Definition at line 132 of file Delegate.h.

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