

class  Debug
class  Exception
 Generic exception, all exceptions should sub class this. More...
class  OutOfMemoryException
class  SqlException
class  IndexOutOfBoundsException
class  InvalidArgumentException
class  IOException
class  AssertionFailedException
class  NotImplementedException
class  IErrorListener
class  SocketException
class  ThreadStartException
class  FileNotFoundException
class  PacketUnderflowException
class  PacketReadTypeMismatchException
class  PacketNotReadyException
class  InvalidTypeConversionException
class  StateException
class  SecurityException
class  ConfigurationException
class  XmlException
class  ProtocolException
class  SyntaxException
class  IMemoryValidate
 Allows instances in collections be to automatically validated. More...


#define NULL   ((void *)0)
#define malloc(size)   _debugMalloc(size, __FILE__, __LINE__, false)
#define free(ptr)   _debugFree(ptr)
#define ASSERT(cond)   _debugAssert( cond, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define ASSERT(cond)   if(!(cond)) debugAssertCPP(false, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define ASSERT_PTR(ptr)   ASSERT(_debugCheckPtr( ptr ))
#define ASSERT_MEM(ptr, size)   ASSERT(_debugCheckBlock( ptr, size ))
#define ASSERT_MEM_FREE()   ASSERT(_debugAssertMemFree())
#define DEBUG_CLEAR_MEM_CHECK_POINTS()   _debugClearMemCheckPoints()
#define DEBUG_NOTE_MEM_ALLOCATION(a)   _debugNoteMemBlock( a )
#define DEBUG_NOTE_MEM(a)   _debugNoteMemBlock( a )
#define DEBUG_ASSERT_MEM_NOTED()   ASSERT(_debugCheckMem())
#define DEBUG_CHECK_POINT_HEAP()   _debugCheckpointHeap()
#define DEBUG_ASSERT_CHECK_POINT()   ASSERT(_debugAssertCheckPoint())
#define DEBUG_TEAR_DOWN(a)   _debugTearDown(a)
#define DEBUG_DUMP_MEM_LEAKS()   _debugDumpMemLeaks()
#define DEBUG_LOCK_HEAP()   _debugLockHeap()
#define DEBUG_UNLOCK_HEAP()   _debugUnlockHeap()
#define DEBUG_FREE_HEAP()   _debugFreeHeap()
#define DEBUG_ENABLE_HEAP_LOCK()   _debugEnableHeapLocking()
#define DEBUG_PTR2(ptr)
#define ASSERT_MEM2(ptr, size)
#define UNIT_TEST(msg, cond)   _unitTest(msg,cond)
#define UNIT_ASSERT(msg, cond)   _unitAssert( msg, cond, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define UNIT_ASSERT_PTR(msg, ptr)   UNIT_ASSERT(msg,_debugCheckPtr( ptr ))
#define UNIT_ASSERT_MEM(msg, ptr, size)   UNIT_ASSERT(msg,_debugCheckBlock( ptr, size ))
#define UNIT_ASSERT_MEM_FREE(msg)   UNIT_ASSERT(msg,_debugAssertMemFree())
#define UNIT_ASSERT_MEM_NOTED(msg)   UNIT_ASSERT(msg,_debugCheckMem())
#define UNIT_ASSERT_CHECK_POINT(msg)   UNIT_ASSERT(msg,_debugAssertCheckPoint())


void _unitAssert (const char *msg, const int cond, const char *filename, const int lineno)
void _unitTest (const char *msg, const int cond)
void * _debugMalloc (const int, const char *filename, const int lineno, const bool isarray)
void * _rpl_malloc (const int size, char *filename, const int lineno, const bool isarray)
void _debugFree (void *)
void _debugAssert (const int cond, const char *filename, const int lineno)
int _debugCheckPtr (const void *ptr)
int _debugCheckBlock (const void *ptr, const int size)
void _debugClearMemCheckPoints ()
void _debugNoteMemBlock (const void *vp)
int _debugCheckMem ()
int _debugAssertMemFree ()
void _debugCheckpointHeap ()
int _debugAssertCheckPoint ()
void _debugTearDown (bool reallyfree)
void _debugDumpMemLeaks ()
void _debugValidateHeap ()
void _debugLockHeap ()
void _debugUnlockHeap ()
void _debugFreeHeap ()
void _debugEnableHeapLocking ()
void realfree (void *vp)
void debugAssertCPP (const int cond, const char *file, const int line)
void ValidateType (void *i)
void ValidateType (const IMemoryValidate *p)
void ValidateType (const IMemoryValidate &p)