TcpSocket Member List

This is the complete list of members for TcpSocket, including all inherited members.
CheckMem() const (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [virtual]
Close() (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
GetBytesAvail() (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
GetErrorCode() (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
GetRecvTimeout() (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
GetRemoteIp() (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
GetSendTimeout() (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
IMemoryValidate() (defined in IMemoryValidate)IMemoryValidate [inline]
IsClosed() (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
m_address (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [protected]
m_sock (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [protected]
m_strm (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [protected]
operator==(const TcpSocket &s) const (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
ServerSocket (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [friend]
SetBlocking() (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
SetLingerOff() (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
SetLingerOn() (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
SetNoDelay() (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
SetNonBlocking() (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
SetRecvTimeout(int toMS) (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
SetSendTimeout(int toMS) (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
Shutdown(int i=SD_BOTH) (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [inline]
SocketSet (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [friend]
TcpSocket(SOCKET fd) (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [protected]
TcpSocket(const String &address, int port) (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket
ValidateMem() const (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [virtual]
~IMemoryValidate() (defined in IMemoryValidate)IMemoryValidate [virtual]
~TcpSocket() (defined in TcpSocket)TcpSocket [virtual]