SampleTest Member List

This is the complete list of members for SampleTest, including all inherited members.
ApproximateTTest(double *prob, double *df) (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest
Betacf(double a, double b, double x)SampleTest [protected, static]
Betai(double a, double b, double x)SampleTest [static]
CheckMem() const (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest [virtual]
DataSet1() (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest [inline]
DataSet2() (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest [inline]
FDistr(double x, double v, double w) (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest [static]
FTest(double *fstat)SampleTest
Gamma(double d) (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest [static]
Gammaln(double xx)SampleTest [static]
Levene(double *prob)SampleTest
LeveneAlternate(double *prob) (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest
m_s1 (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest [protected]
m_s2 (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest [protected]
operator=(const SampleTest &t) (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest
Rankit(Sample **x1, Sample **x2) (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest
SampleTest(const Sample &s1, const Sample &s2) (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest
SampleTest(List< double > *s1, List< double > *s2) (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest
SampleTest(Vector< double > *s1, Vector< double > *s2) (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest
SampleTest(const double *s1, const int s1count, const double *s2, const int s2count) (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest
SampleTest(const SampleTest &t) (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest
StandardError() const (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest [inline]
StudentsT(double *prob)SampleTest
TCriticalValue(int N, double alpha)SampleTest [static]
TCriticalValueAlternate(int N, double alpha) (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest [static]
UCriticalPoint(int N1, int N2, double alpha) (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest [static]
ValidateMem() const (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest [virtual]
WTestCriticalValue(int N, double alpha) (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest [static]
~SampleTest() (defined in SampleTest)SampleTest [virtual]